This is not your ordinary family business, it is a
                            family passion!    

Welcome to Stith Aquatics!  I would like to tell about my family's passion which includes just about everything that lives in the water.  If it is possible to be genetically predisposed to loving aquatic life and aquariums then it is definitely in the Stith genome.  My name is Bob and i am the father of four devoted aquarists.  I have always had a love for animals, especially those that live in the water, and my Mother did indulge me by letting me have a couple of red eared turtles.  Then she gave in and let me have a 10 gallon aquarium where I raised guppies and sword tails. My cousin was also into aquariums and he gave me a 20 gallon tank.  At ten years old, I felt like someone had just given me a Corvette.  After moving to a new house in my teens I got away from fish keeping until that fateful day at a county fair where I won a single goldfish and a small fish bowl.  Since that time my family grew to 3 sons and 1 daughter and that single fish bowl grew to over 55 aquariums of all shapes and sizes.  That single goldfish morphed into 6 different species of crayfish, several different species of anabantoids (Bettas and Gouramies), 4 different species of catfish, 4 different species of goodeids, guppies, endlers, platties, assorted snails, freshwater shrimp, turtles, frogs, and even a Dog-faced puffer named Rover.

Now, that is a lot of water critters but that is not just me, you need to meet my kids: Read more